What is Binary MLM Software?

Managing binary networks such as income and expenditure has become much simpler with binary MLM software. Now MLM companies can put off the burden of manual work and get their work done faster and better.

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Mechanism of Binary MLM Software?

The binary system looks much like a tree with a single recruiter on the top of the line. He hires two members and thus has two legs. In case he hires another member, then that member will be added to the next available position. No matter who the recruiter is, the hired member will be added to the available position. This system is known as spillover.

Anilax Binary MLM Software Features

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The virtual money to store incomes and make transactions.

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Genealogy Tree

Representing a down-line member under you in the form of a tree.

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Multiple Currency Support

Manual and automatic currency conversions make MLM global business.

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Multilingual Support

Multiple language options for the convenience of international clients.

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Down-line and Up-line listing

Listing of all the members, including down-line and up-line.

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Sponsored Members Listing

A separate listing of your sponsored team members. Filter the listing using different parameters.

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Income and Expenses Report

A complete report on the income and expenses are available with the back-office. Business Administrator can monitor all member transactions.

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Business Wallet

All the incomes and expenses toward or inwards business will be recorded real-time. So the administrators can easily track the profitability of the business.

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Unlimited Members

The back-office system is scalable to handle unlimited business transactions and can accommodate members.

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Support Ticketing

Integrated ticketing system to provide instant support and help the members to solve their issues.

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E-wallet Transfers

Member to member e-wallet transfer. Business to member e-wallet transfer option is also available on request.

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Multiple Payment Options

Most of the Multi level marketing businesses are associated with the selling of products and services. The Multi level Marketing software is capable of integrating with any E-commerce system. We are also providing MLM integrated E-commerce system.

Commission Based OnWeak Leg

In a Binary MLM Plan formula, a commission is calculated based on whichever side a team or leg has the least amount of volume. The percentage will be calculated based on the least amount of volume and every member will get paid accordingly, so the profit margin depends on how your downline team members make sales.

For example, if the left leg earns 500 points and the right 1000 points. Then, the commission will be calculated as 10% of the least amount of volume that is on the left leg, so, 10% of 500. And the right leg will have a carry point for the next commission.

A fully featured and efficient Binary MLM Software with a binary compensation plan calculator or MLM binary
plan calculator helps to manage all these commission calculations.

Binary MLM Calculator

Do you have to calculate the profit and loss of your MLM Business? Calculate MLM commission using a free Binary MLM Calculator. It is an advanced and comprehensive MLM Binary Plan Calculator to forecast income based on several recruiters and sales projections.

Try Binary MLM Compensation Calculator

Bonuses in Binary MLM Software

In Binary MLM Plan, there are two bonuses available to stabilize the form and increase the workflow of the team. The sponsor bonus and pairing bonus are two types. The rules are fixed for any company, and the plan you choose helps you to calculate the bonus.

We offer the customization of Binary MLM Software to accommodate your requirements in the compensation plan.

Introduceror Sponsor Bonus

The pairing bonus is the paid amount after completing the binary tree, i.e, gaining the bonus based on the downline members’ sales. The maximum pairing bonus will be calculated by the plan you choose and the rules are fixed by the company.

Pairing Bonus

The pairing bonus is the paid amount after completing the binary tree, i.e, gaining the bonus based on the downline members’ sales. The maximum pairing bonus will be calculated by the plan you choose and the rules are fixed by the company.

Admin Panel Features

  • Member Registration (E-Pin,Package,Free ID)
  • SMS/Email On Member Registration/Payout Generation/Withdraw Request
  • Company Settings(Logo,Address,Phone Number,Etc)
  • Dynamic Member User ID Generation and Password Generation
  • Member Income Settings(TDS,Admin Charges,Etc)
  • Manage Member Query(Support Ticket System)
  • New Enquiry Management(Optional)
  • Manage Staff/Employee Module(Optional)
  • Temporary Income Process System
  • Design Welcome Letter
  • Paid/Unpaid Member ID
  • Activate/Block Member ID
  • Member Profile Updation
  • Genealogy(Member Tree Structure)
  • Withdrawal Settings/Master
  • Commission Calculation
  • Marketing Promotion System
  • Database Backup Facility
  • Create Franchisee Module
  • Member Wallet Transfer
  • Rewards Settings/Master
  • Manage Expense Module(Optional)
  • Temporary Rewards Process System
  • Pool Genealogy
  • SMS/Email Management
  • Package/Product Creation
  • E-Pin Generation
  • Transfer Pin Facility
  • Member Tree Settings
  • Direct Member Tree
  • User Management Module
  • Fund Withdrawal Management
  • Member Payout Generation
  • Upgrade Member Id
  • Income Settings/Master
  • Create Notes(Optional)
  • Manage Advance Payout Member

Website Management From Admin Panel

  • Upload Video
  • Upload Photo Gallery
  • Update News
  • Add Testimonial
  • Upload Legal Document
  • Social Media Linking(Facebook,Twitter,Youtube)
  • CMS(Content Management System)

Admin Panel Reports

  • Member Details Report By(Date,User ID,Etc)
  • Payout Reports
  • TDS Report
  • GST Report
  • Withdraw Report
  • Export To Excel And Print In All Reports
  • User Transaction Report
  • E-Wallet Reports
  • Downline Report
  • Expense Reports
  • Staff Module Reports
  • Bank Transfer Report
  • Website Traffic Report
  • Admin Charges Report
  • Income Reports
  • Profit/Loss Report

Franchisee Panel Features

  • Profile Page
  • E-Wallet Facility
  • Fund Transfer Option
  • Print Bills
  • Fund Transfer Option
  • E-Pin / E-Vouchers
  • Transfer Pin Facility
  • Excel Reports
  • Create BLOG
  • Generate New Bills

Website Panel Features

  • Online Signup / Joining
  • Company Profile
  • Business Plan Details
  • Product Catalogue With Details
  • Product Catalogue With Details
  • Business Presentation
  • Online Advertisements
  • Achievers Photo Gallery
  • News Corner
  • Company Announcements
  • Online Members
  • Member Count

Member Panel Features

  • Home Page With Photo
  • Welcome Letter
  • Profile Page
  • Advance Genealogy
  • Down Line Management
  • Online Accounts
  • Fund Transfer Option
  • E-Pin / E-Vouchers
  • Transfer Pin Facility
  • Product Re-Purchase Option
  • Awards And Rewards Achieved
  • Payout Details
  • Add Testimonial
  • Create BLOG
  • Create Ticket
  • Binary Tree (Show Tree Structure)
  • Genealogy Tree (Direct To Direct Tree Structure)
  • Downline (Tabular List Of Member Downlines)
  • E-Wallet Facility
  • TDS Report (TDS Deduction List As Per Govt. Rules)

What Makes Binary MLM Plan Beneficial?


Unlimited Depth

The network can have any depth as you like. All the members in up-line are guaranteed to get profit from sales made by down-line.


Fast Expansion

Each recruiter can have only two members, which leads to fast expansion.


Volume Driven Plan

With Binary Plan, the distributors who bring more orders get more pay.


Multiple Business Centers

The binary plan lets multiple business centers for the MLM be created.

Binary MLM Software Demo

Explore the Binary MLM Software Demo and analyze the efficiency of Anilax MLM Software. The demo shows the feasibility of the MLM Software along with its features, rules, commission calculation and compensation parameters. It doesn't matter whether the enterprise is at initial phase or small or large, Anilax MLM Software is suitable for all type of industries.

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